South India Temple

  • 7 Night / 8 Days

Dravidian architecture is a distinctive style of temple construction that originated in the southern part of India, primarily in the Dravidian-speaking regions. This architectural style is characterized by certain features that make Dravidian temples stand out. Here are the key specifications of Dravidian-style temples in India:

1. Gopurams (Entrance Towers):

Dravidian temples are known for their towering entrance towers, called gopurams, which are ornately decorated with sculptures and carvings. Gopurams typically have a pyramidal structure, with multiple levels and smaller towers stacked on top of one another.

2. Vimana (Main Tower):

The main sanctum of the temple is crowned by a towering vimana, which is the central structure that houses the main deity. The vimana often features a pyramidal or curvilinear shape, adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures.

3. Mandapams (Halls):

Dravidian temples have various mandapams or halls for conducting rituals and ceremonies. These halls are supported by intricately carved pillars, often depicting mythological stories or divine beings.

4. Courtyards:

The temple complex is usually enclosed by a large courtyard, providing space for various activities and gatherings. The courtyard often features smaller shrines, pavilions, and tanks.

5. Axial Alignment:

Dravidian temples are known for their strict axial alignment, where the main entrance, the sanctum, and other structures are aligned along a central axis. This alignment is considered auspicious and is a key feature of the Dravidian architectural principles.

6. Ornate Sculptures:

Sculptures and carvings play a significant role in Dravidian architecture. Temples are adorned with intricate reliefs depicting deities, celestial beings, and scenes from Hindu mythology. The sculptures serve both religious and artistic purposes, conveying stories from Hindu epics and showcasing the craftsmanship of the artisans.

7. Shikhara (Spire) and Kalasha:

The vimana is often topped with a shikhara (spire) that adds to the verticality of the temple's architecture. At the pinnacle of the shikhara, a kalasha (ceremonial pot) is placed, symbolizing auspiciousness.

8. Colorful Frescoes:

Some Dravidian temples feature vibrant frescoes on the ceilings and walls, depicting scenes from mythology or daily life. These frescoes add a splash of color and further enhance the visual appeal of the temple.

Dravidian-style temples, exemplified by iconic structures like the Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai and the Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur, continue to be architectural marvels and cultural landmarks in Southern India.

  • - Car
  • - Linguistic Guide
  • - Breakfast and Dinner at same Hotel
  • - Hotel
    Does not include:
  • - Tip to Guide, Driver, Hotel and at Restaurant
  • - Monuments Entry Fees

Golden Triangle with Ranthambore Itinerary ( 7 Night / 8 Days )

  • Day 1

    Warm Welcome in Delhi

    Our tour representative will welcome you at Delhi airport and will take you to hotel.

    After check-in and breakfast Begin your sightseeing in Delhi and places includes (Qutub minar, Humayun Tomb, India gate, Bangla sahib, Birla temple, Jama masjid, Lotus temple, Old Delhi Rikshwa ride). Enjoy your first night in the city, with the promise of more wonders to come.

  • Day 2

    Jaipur - The Pink City Beckons

    After breakfast and check out from the hotel will leave for Jaipur ( 5:40 hours, 307 km ) by road, where the Pink City awaits with open arms. Rest well in Jaipur, knowing tomorrow holds even greater adventures.

  • Day 3

    Sightseeing in Jaipur

    Immerse yourself in the regal hospitality of Jaipur by visiting the majestic Amber Fort (Elephant ride),Jal Mahal, City Palace, Hawa Mahal, and Jantar Mantar. Night at Jaipur.

  • Day 4

    Ranthambore - A Wildlife Extravaganza

    After having breakfast and checkout from the hotel will lead to Ranthambore by road (Around 167 km and 4:30 hours). Relish the comfort of your accommodations near Ranthambore, ready for tomorrow's safari.

  • Day 5

    Ranthambore Safari - A Majestic Encounter

    Start your day with the thrill of a morning safari, where Ranthambore's majestic residents extend their hospitality in their own unique way. Continue the safari in the evening for more exciting encounters. Spend another night in the lap of wildlife and warm hospitality.

  • Day 6

    Fatehpur Sikri - History and Heritage

    After finishing delicious breakfast and check out from the hotel will be taken to Agra (Ranthambore to Fatehpur Sikri distance is 263 km which takes about 4.30 hours. Fatehpur Sikri to Agra distance is 35 km which takes about 1 hour) and on the way will see Fatehpur Sikri, a historic city brimming with hospitality and architectural marvels. Night at Agra, eagerly anticipating tomorrow's journey.

  • Day 7

    Agra - The Epitome of Love and Luxury

    Complete your breakfast and will go to explore Agra where the symbol of love, the Taj Mahal, awaits with unparalleled hospitality and Discover the opulence of Agra Fort. Savor a delightful evening in Agra, embracing the city's warm embrace.

  • Day 8

    Return to Delhi - Fond Farewell

    After breakfast and check out from hotel will go to Delhi by road (4 hr,240 km)Bid farewell to Agra and start your journey back to Delhi. Return to Delhi, where your memorable road trip comes to a close, but the memories of warm welcomes and rich experiences will stay with you forever.

    This itinerary captures the essence of each destination's hospitality, making your road trip a memorable and enriching experience.

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